Terms and conditons

By checking the “I agree” box on the online registration form you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and are expected to abide by them for the duration of the event for which you have registered.


The Event: 2025 Great Endeavour Rally:

Event Description: Rally Course

Event Date: 16 August - 23 August 2025

Event Location: The Rally Course will be held on public and private roads throughout New South Wales.

Distance Travelled: Great Endeavour Rally - approximately 3000 km

Organiser Contact: Event Manager

Great Endeavour Rally PO Box 3555

Tingalpa DC QLD 4173


1800 63 40 40

Registration Dates: Open - 1 September 2024 Close – 8 August 2025

Scrutineering Dates: 16 August 2025 –

Registration and Participant Fees: Vehicle Entry Fee - $500 per vehicle

Individual Fee - $1750 per person if paid in full prior to 15 March 2025, $2000 per person thereafter. All individual fees are due by May 31, 2025

Minimum Fundraising Pledge - $5,000

Due 31 July 2025


The Organiser: Endeavour Foundation ABN 80 009 670 704 and includes where appropriate for these Terms and Conditions: directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers (including medical and paramedical volunteers) and contractors including HP Sports Management.

References to “I, “my” and “me” means each of the Principal Entrant and Crew Members identified in this Participation Agreement.

If an example is given to describe an item or issue (including a right, obligation or concept) such as by saying it includes something else, the example does not limit the scope of that item or issue. This document is governed by the law of Queensland.

The event will be conducted under these Terms and Conditions. Additional Terms and Conditions may be issued at any time.


(i) Registration

To register, you must complete the online registration form prior to the registration closing date noted above. All details of all team members must also be completed prior to the Event in order to participate.

A registration is not considered complete until all required information is supplied and payment received in full.

Event registrations are capped at 70 vehicles including back-up vehicles. Any variation will be at the discretion of the Organiser.

The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry, with or without a given reason.

The Organiser reserves the right to change the location, the options, any information published about the Event, and items provided on the Event without notice. Check the Event website for current information on stops, meals and accommodation and any other changes that may need to be made to the Event.

(ii) Who can be in my team?

Teams must have at least two people (a driver and a navigator) and must not exceed the legal seating capacity of the vehicle which is being entered into the Event.

Each crew member intending to drive must hold a current and valid driver’s licence issued within Australia.

All team members must be at least 18 years old to participate in the Event.

All team and back up crew members need to be reasonably fit and in good health as due to the remoteness of some of the areas which the Event travels through there can be a lack of medical facilities and resources. The Organiser does not facilitate for special requirements of teams and takes no responsibility should you ignore this advice.

Should a participant be 70 years of age or over and or suffer from any pre-existing medical condition. A doctor’s certificate will be required to be submitted to the Organiser prior to 31 July 2025.

Changes to teams and/or vehicles will be permitted prior to the pre-event registration on 31 July 2025. Thereafter, changes can only occur with the written permission of the Organiser.

(iii) Vehicle Classes

Vehicle classes will be finalised 30 April 2025. All participants will be notified of their vehicle class via email by 31 May 2025. The classes will be decided on vehicle age, drivetrain and engine capacity.

No Trailers or Campervans will be permitted to enter. Any vehicle over 3.5 tonnes to contact Rally Coordinator.

(iv) How do I submit fees and fundraising?

Individual fees and fundraising monies (including minimum pledge) will be administered by the Organiser and must be forwarded via the Great Endeavour Rally website at https:// or mailed to the attention of the Event Production Coordinator at the address detailed above.

The vehicle entry fee is $350 per vehicle which is payable upon registration by credit card only.

The deadline for all fees is 12 Noon 31 July 2025 and all fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

The vehicle entry fee and the individual fee include:

  • All meals for each team member including the Welcome Dinner and the Presentation Function. RefertoEventwebsiteforcurrentinformationonstops,cateringand
  • Site fees for overnight camping accommodation at official Event overnight stops. Any other style of accommodation (motel, pub, etc) which may be available at an overnight stop will be at the participant’s own cost. Refer to Event website for current information on stops, catering and accommodation.
  • An identification badge for each crew
  • Comprehensive route instructions for the entire
  • Sweep/recovery service. In the event of a major breakdown, every effort will be made to get your crew to the next town or safe haven. Should your vehicle be unrepairable, it will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner and/or crew to arrange further repair or suitable transport back to their place of residence. The Organiser will assist where possible but assumes no responsibility.
  • Spares truck to carry large and bulky items. This gear will only be available at overnight stops.
  • Access to the mobile workshop at overnight
  • An official Great Endeavour Rally merchandise pack for each team
  • Public liability insurance for low-risk fundraising activities held on behalf of Endeavour Foundation (an ‘Authority to Fundraise’ letter must be obtained prior to the activity).
    • All fundraising events must comply with relevant legislation as a minimum food handling and workplace, health and
    • Fundraising events that occur as part of the rally, run by registered Endeavour volunteers or employees, comply with legislation and are approved by Endeavour will have access to Endeavour’s Public Liability
    • Please review fundraising terms and
  • RallySafe GPS positioning, communication and trip

(v) Fundraising

Upon receipt of the vehicle entry fee, a welcome pack will be issued. This will outline the conditions on fundraising and sponsorship. No fundraising activities can take place until you have been issued with an ‘Authority to Fundraise’ letter from the Organiser.

Only pledge monies which are received before 5pm on the last day of registration can be counted towards your starting position. Any pledge money received after this date will still be added to your account and calculated towards your total pledge for the Event.

Any pledge amount received by 9pm on the last full day of competition in the Event will be counted towards the ‘Highest Fundraiser’ Award presented at the Presentation Function on the last day.

Each team must reach the following fundraising targets.

  • $1000 by March 31 2025
  • $3000 by June 30 2025
  • $5000 by July 31 2025

Failure to reach the above mentioned fundraising milestone may result in disqualification of team.

(vi) Competition

The Great Endeavour Rally encourages safe and sensible driving. The Rally is not a speed event. All state laws must be adhered to at all times. Due consideration must be given to all road users.

There will be two types of sections in the Event:

  • Transport
  • Rally stage

No time will be pre-set by the Organiser for any stage. It is important to note that this is not a speed event, race or time trial, and all road laws are to be strictly adhered to at all times with no exceptions (see “Rule (x) Disqualification and penalties” below).

The permanent daily starting positions of 1-20 will be determined by the amount of fundraising achieved by each team on or before the Registration close date (8 August 2025) which is in excess of the total nomination fee and minimum pledges. The highest fundraiser will be in the 1st starting position, the second highest fundraiser will start in the 2nd position etc.

The Organiser reserves positions 21-25 inclusive for rewards, incentives, and fundraising purposes.

The starting order from day two for positions 26 onwards, will be by the ballot list which will be rotated last to 26 or changed around each day so that everybody gets a fair go at the front, the middle and the rear of the pack. This starting list for each day will be arranged prior to the start of the Event and will be included in the Road Book.

(vii) Compulsory equipment and other vehicle requirements

The following items are compulsory for vehicles to participate in the Rally.

  • A RallySafe unit provided by event
  • CTP insurance for period of event.
  • Fire extinguishers. Easily accessible and mounted firmly. We recommend two 1kg
  • A minimum of five litres of drinking water for each crew
  • A Snatchem Strap and 4.7t rated D shackle (not a tow rope or chain).
  • Mud flaps of stout material for each driving wheel (mud flaps must be a minimum of 100mm off the ground when the vehicle is fully loaded).
  • A 20-litre legal fuel container, this must be full at the beginning of each day
  • UHF radio, fitted and in working
  • An orange rotating or flashing light on the roof of the vehicle for use in dusty conditions. Must be unobstructed and clearly visible from the front and rear. Red, green, blue, and strobe lights are not allowed.
  • Sleeping gear for each crew member.
  • Seat belts must be fitted to the vehicle and worn at all
  • First aid kit. This must be of good quality and carry sufficient materials for remote travelling. Please seek advice from your local first aid supplier or ambulance
  • Two reflective
  • De-ditching shovel that must be stored
  • Laminated
  • Rear-facing car number, this must be on the right hand side and clearly
  • Forward-facing car number, this must be on the top passenger side of the windscreen and clearly
  • A space of a minimum 600mm x 450mm must be kept clear on each front door (or an area approved by the Organiser) for the official door signs which are
  • When making vehicle modifications eg. extra/altered seats and seat belts, extra/altered fuel tank, you may require a Modification Plate, an engineer’s certificate or other relevant state legislated certification, for registration purposes. For more information, contact your nearest Department of Transport or RTA
  • An Australian road atlas, or maps covering the entire
  • If your vehicle does not comply with all of the above equipment, IT WILL BE ENFORCED THAT YOU MUST ONLY FOLLOW THE MAIN ROADS. This rule will be strictly adhered to by the Organiser without
  • Due to the remoteness of this event there may be other requirements to be notified prior to the commencement of the Rally (e.g. additional water quanities)

Recommended for rally cars for remote recovery:

  • A centrally-mounted front and rear Haymen Reece type tow hitch. This is for stiff bar towing and snatch strap recovering. Refer to ‘tips and tricks’ for fitting ideas and If this is not fitted to your vehicle in the event of a major breakdown, should your vehicle be unrepairable, the Organiser will assist where possible but assumes no responsibility in recovering the vehicle. The event Organiser will get your crew to the next town or safe haven, it will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner and/or crew to arrange further repair or suitable transport back to their place of residence.

All vehicles must be legally road-registered and comply with the regulations in the state in which it is registered.

Vehicle specifications are subject to all of the above requirements in “Rule 3 (vii) Compulsory equipment and other vehicle requirements”.

(viii) Back up crews (Support Vehicle)

Each back up crew member must pay the vehicle registration fee of $500 and $1750 or $2000 per person and a minimum fundraising pledge of $4000. All back up crew monies must be sent to the Event Manager.  All back up crews must be nominated via the official ‘Back Up’ pages on the registration website, and abide by these rules and any other rules which may be issued.

Each back up crew member intending to drive must hold a current and valid driver’s licence issued within Australia and be 18 years or older.

All back up vehicles must be 4WD, legally road-registered and comply with the regulations in the state in which it is registered.

The compulsory insurance requirements apply to all back up crew members.

A back up vehicle which chooses to follow the course must travel between the last rally car and the sweep vehicles following the rally cars, unless requested otherwise by the Organiser. These vehicles cannot participate in the competitive elements of the Event and are not eligible for any awards.

(ix) Scrutineering

All entrants and back up crews MUST present their vehicle at one of the Pre-Event Scrutineering locations.

Special arrangements will be made for entrants or back up crews residing interstate or in remote areas.

(x) Disqualification and penalties

Entrants and/or crew members may be disqualified or penalised for one or more of the following offences, at the sole discretion of the Organiser:

  • Interference with another entrant’s vehicle or property or an official’s vehicle or
  • Interference with public or private
  • A vehicle is considered to be not road safe, until such time as it is deemed to be road
  • A driver is found to be driving under the influence of alcohol and is over the legal
  • Failure to ensure that a gate which was found to be closed has been closed securely. The responsibility rests with the person who opens the gate
  • Failure to obey any reasonable instruction from an official, or a briefing
  • Excessive speed or dangerous
  • Actioned deemed to be putting other participants at risk due to driving behaviour.
  • Behaviour deemed to be bullying or offensive to other participants.

(xi) Random breath test

While driving event entrants must be drug free and under the blood alcohol limit as set by the law at all times whilst operating the vehicle.

Great Endeavour Rally officials may at any time carry out random breath tests for Blood Alcohol Concetration (BAC) throughout the event. All drivers agree to submit to such tests conducted by these officials. Where a driver is found by Great Endeavour Rally officials or the police to be over the prescribed limit in that Australia state or Territory, the event entrant will be immediately ejected from the event.

(xii) Communication

Communications from the Organiser will principally be made via the email address you provide with   your registration. If an email address is not supplied, team and back up crew members by acceptance of these Terms and Conditions agree to make every effort to read updates posted on the Event website   and via the Event Facebook page. Upon request the Organiser can occassionally mail printed communications to team and back up crew members.

(xiii) Pledge monies

This repeats and confirms that only pledge monies which are received before 4pm on the last day of Registration can be counted towards a team’s starting position. Any pledge money received after this date will be added to the team’s account and calculated towards their total pledge for the Event. Any pledge amount received before 9pm on the last full day of competition at the Event will be counted to contend the Highest Fundraiser’ award presented at the end of the Event.

(xiv) Pets

Pets are not allowed on the Event. A service animal (eg: seeing, hearing or assistance dog, etc) may be allowed with prior written approval of the Organiser.

(xv) Cancellations and Event changes

The Organiser at their discretion may change the Event dates, locations and venues and will communicate these changes as soon as reasonably possible to the teams.

In the event of a cancellation, team registration, individual and other fees (including pledges) are not refundable or transferable.

The Organiser has no liability to registrants and teams for any loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind (including refund of registration fees) which any team or back up crew member might suffer in connection with route changes, road conditions, poor weather, or any change to, postponement or cancellation of, all or part of the Event for any reason whatsoever.

Questions about the technical aspect of the Great Endeavour Rally, the cars, the course, or the rules can be directed to the Event Manager on 0407 812 125.


(i) I accept responsibility for my own safety

I acknowledge that participation in the Event involves a real risk of serious injury to me or even death from various causes including accidents with other participants, spectators, road users, course or weather conditions and other causes. I agree to accept all risks flowing from my participation in the Event which could result in serious injury to me or even death.

I agree that while the Organiser may take steps to try to protect me (such as course supervision, safety briefings, re-routing of the Event), I will remain responsible for ensuring my own safety. I will immediately stop participating if I think anything is unsafe and will notify the Organiser.

(ii) I release the Organiser of legal liability for personal injury

In consideration of the Organiser allowing me to participate in the Event, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, administrators, executors and next of kin, to the maximum extent permitted by law, I waive all claims for damages, injuries and death sustained to me or my property, that I may have against the Organiser however arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent including in tort (including negligence), indemnity, contract, equity, statute (including the Australian Consumer Law) or on any other basis whatsoever.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, I agree to release and discharge and forever hold harmless the Organiser from any and all claims, costs (including legal costs), proceedings, liabilities, suit or demands, however arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent including in tort (including negligence), indemnity, contract, equity, statute (including the Australian Consumer Law) or on any other basis whatsoever.

For the purpose of this Part 2, a reference to the Organiser includes their respective directors, officers, trustees, employees, agents, advisors, volunteers (including medical and paramedical volunteers) and contractors appointed for the Event (including HP Sports Management), the owners, licensees and occupiers of all land, including roadways, upon which the Event or any part of the Event is conducted, any statutory body or local authority having control over any of the land, including roadways, upon which the Event or any part of the Event is conducted, promoters, sponsors and Event organisers.

(iii) I acknowledge the Event is an endurance driving event and I agree I must be of good health and fitness to participate

I agree that I have carefully considered the nature of the Event being a car rally event. I acknowledge and represent that I am healthy and in a proper condition (mentally and physically) to participate in the Event. I agree that if I require any specific food or medication that I am responsible for making sure that it is available for when I might need it.

I agree to disclose any medical and/or physical conditions affecting me if requested by the Organiser. I consent to receiving any medical treatment the Organiser or their authorised representatives consider necessary or desirable during or after the Event. I agree to pay the Organiser any costs or expenses incurred in providing me with medical treatment. I understand that any insurance may not cover me for any injuries, losses or damages I may suffer.

(iv) I agree to drive safely and to make sure my vehicle is safe

I agree that my vehicle must be roadworthy, carry all the required safety equipment, pass all safety inspections, and scrutineering. I will participate with at least one other team member. I agree not to    drive unless I hold a current and valid driver’s licence issued within Australia. I agree not to drive if I have consumed more than the legal limit of alcohol permitted to drive in the state within which I am driving,    or taken any drug, unless prescribed by a medical practitioner or lawfully available without prescription and used in accordance with directions and which is safe for use while driving long distances. I agree to obey all road rules and will not exceed the legal seating capacity of the vehicle.

(v) Promotional materials

I consent to my name and contact details, and other non-personal information being used by the Organiser for emails about other services and products. I understand I may opt out at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ button at the end of these emails.

I agree to the Organiser using my name, video/film footage and still images, and likeness before, during and after the Event for promotional and publicity purposes, broadcasting or reporting purposes in any media in perpetuity.

(vi) Possessions

I agree that I am fully responsible for the security of my possessions throughout the Event and that the Organiser has no liability for replacing any of my possessions should they be lost, stolen or damaged.

(vii) Disqualification

I acknowledge that if I engage in any conduct which, in the opinion of the Organiser has, might, or will result in a breach of these conditions, or will cause harm or damage to any participant or their property, illegal activity, bad/offensive language, or other unsocial behaviour, I may be removed from the Event. If  I am removed from the event, any costs associated with travel, and arranging travel for my team and back up crew back home, and transportation costs for my vehicle will be at my expense.